Become a member


Membership of Drachma is valid for twelve months from 1 September to the 31 August of the following year.

There are three membership categories:

  • LGBTI members (LGBTIQ+ persons)
  • Parent members (Parents of LGBTIQ+ persons)
  • Affiliate members (Relatives and friends of LGBTI persons and others who wish to support Drachma in its work).

The membership fee is five Euro per year.

The importance of membership

By enrolling as registered members, one would:
  • be expressing support for the work we do as a voluntary organisation;
  • support Drachma financially to continue its work and do more;
  • participate more fully in the group, especially the Annual General Meeting;
  • and have the right to participate in decision-making processes of the group, including making amendments to the Statute, electing and standing for election to the Steering Committee or the other supporting committees of the group, auditing Drachma accounts, etc..

How can one join Drachma?

To join Drachma, please download the form from the following link. The form is in PDF format that can be filled in digitally when opened with any PDF Reader programme. You should download the form, fill in, save, and then send back as an attachment by email to

Should you be unable to fill in the form digitally, you can print it out and fill it by hand and then scan or take a digital photo of the form. You may then send the scan or photo by email.

You may also print the form, fill in and send by post or give it by hand to either of the two Coordinators, Joseanne Peregin or Christopher Vella.

The membership fee can be paid by cash, cheque (payable to DRACHMA), bank transfer or by PayPal. Please read the form for further details.

Should you have any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us on this email or phone 79253875.