When the book entitled "What Jesus said about Homosexuals" is written, all the pages between the covers will be blank. But Ms Jacqueline Calleja says plenty.
She has the right to live by her Catholic Catechism; but her letter "marriage in do minore"" has too much "falsetto".
I am not a homosexual, but I disagree with Ms Calleja's use of a simple, black and white biblical verse to "prove" homosexuality is unnatural. She quoted (Matthew 19:4): "...He made them male and female... a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife...".
Why, using her own black and white chop-logic, one can just as easily use the quote to "prove" that, making the fair assumption that Jesus practised what he preached, then he would have taken his own advice and married. But hackneyed biblical quotes are blunt instruments of logic; and they are best used when quoted only to oneself in times of personal need.
Ms Calleja suggests homosexual people practise homosexuality as a lifestyle choice and she is generous in her unsolicited advice to homosexuals to change their ways. Perhaps in her next missive she might elaborate on the series of events, situations and circumstances that presented her with the fork in her road - her own defining moment - when she had to choose a homo or heterosexual lifestyle.
I certainly didn't choose my heterosexuality - I came wired that way. Others come wired in other ways. God may have created us equal, but not the same.
Judging by the disastrous consequences of the Church's efforts in trying to suppress the sexual urges of homosexual priests, it is not hard to see that sexual orientation (as opposed to experimentation) is neither temporary nor a lifestyle choice but a biological, natural and unstoppable drive; which not even Church dogma, blind obedience and the prospect of eternal damnation can suppress within its own priesthood.
Jesus left no doubt in the minds of priests in relation to paedophilia. Who knows why Jesus left the subject of homosexuality alone? Perhaps he considered homosexuality a natural human condition and had the good grace to leave homosexual people in peace. But the Church chooses to demonise a natural biological phenomenon left alone even by Christ; especially when its own house is made of very thin glass.
There is scant hope that the Church or its quixotic defenders might consider following the example of Jesus; homosexuals will never get approval from the church. Equally, no amount of sermonising is going to turn homosexuals into celibates or heterosexuals.
The silence of Jesus on the matter is making more and more sense; to me at least.
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