James Alison |
No straight matter by Ariadne Massa
Letter to a young gay Catholic
Is it Ethical to be Catholic?
Peterson Toscano
Peterson Toscano |
‘I truly believed I would be more valuable to the world if I were heterosexual’ (MaltaToday 2012)
Of gay conversion, bloody testicles and flying foreskin (MaltaToday, 2012)
‘My faith helped me to accept that I was gay’ (Times of Malta, 2012)
Brief Encounter (Malta Independent, 2012)
A musing by Ariadne Massa (Sunday Times, 2008)
Jgħallmek waqt li jdaħħkek minn Sammy Sammut (L-orrizont, 2008)
Revealed! My secret love affair in Malta
Revealed! The Secret behind Jesus Had to Daddies I'm Malta
Jeannine Gramick
Jeannine Gramick |
The unlikely rebel (Sunday Times, 2008)