28 August 2024

Activities in September 2024: Pride Month and Drachma's Anniversary: twenty years of journeying together

The first meeting after the summer break will be held on Friday 6 September at 7.30pm at Mount Saint Joseph. Given that in September Drachma will be celebrating its twentieth Anniversary, itis fitting that the first meeting will be dedicated to looking back at the story of Drachma. We are inviting a number of people who played an important role in Drachma's past journey, and we will hear from them the challenges, the difficulties and the joys of this twenty year journey. 

This meeting is open to LGBTIs, parents and family!

Pride is an annual event which the LGBT community celebrates enthusiastically. However, in the glimmer and glitz, at times we might forget what exactly we are proud of. 

Inspired by the theatrical practice of Augusto Boal, this workshop on Image Theatre will use body work to unpack and express what pride means to the local contemporary community. 

This two-hour workshop will be an enjoyable experience that does not require any former theatrical experience, and which will allow its participants to reflect in an interactive manner relevant and important questions about the reality of our community. Comfortable clothing is recommended for this activity. 

The event will be moderated by veteran theatre director and Performing Arts Lecturer Dr Tyrone Grima.

Drachma will be organising a celebratiuon marking Twenty Years from the first meeting held in September 2004 by the Christian LGBT group that eventually became Drachma.
The celebration will be held on Tuesday 17 September at 6.30pm at Mount Saint Joseph Retreat House, Mosta. Mass will be celebrated by H.G. Mgr. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta, followed by a reception.
If you wish to attend, kindly fill in the following form: https://forms.office.com/e/jX0mMSM5xi by not later than Saturday 14 September.
You may also wish to consider sending us a short message (as a video or written text) about Drachma and its legacy in the past twenty years. You may wish to comment on your connection to Drachma or what Drachma has meant for you and your family or your work. These messages will be posted on our social media and webpage. You can send this to admin@drachma.mt

Our next LGBTI meeting will be an Art workshop with artist Ellie Abela who will be helping us understand how to create an artistic concept and proceed with the creation of Art. Ellie will be using the artwork presented as a gift to the archbishop as the baseline.

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