24 September 2024

Drachma's Twentieth Anniversary Painting


Artist: Ellie Abela

The core of this painting is the concept of past, present and future. In particular, the past, present and future of not only Drachma, but the people of the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole. It predominantly uses colour, texture, saturation and spatial perspective to illustrate the transitions between these three time-frames.

The past is illustrated through the use of a monochrome palette, the feeling evoked by this section is bleak and oppressive. This is further aided through the jagged strokes and harsh textures present, as well as the overwhelming shadow surrounding the edge. Despite this, specks of colour are still present, showing that despite the oppression of such a discriminatory environment, we are still present. 

For the present, the spatial perspective is integral to get the message across. Rather than designating a specific colour or texture to represent the present, I decided to illustrate it as a point of transition. In this case, it could be called an open doorway leading to the hopeful future. In a literal sense, the present is where progress is felt and can occur. As is illustrated here, we can see that the light shining from the hope of the future is bleeding into the bleak past, showing that change can and will happen. 

The future is represented in light and colour, as well as a texture that evokes the feeling of celebration. 

The light in the centre alludes to Drachma’s focus on spirituality, and the main colours utilised in this sections are the two colours present in the Drachma logo.

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