Stħarriġ Ewropew Dwar Persuni LGBT
L-Istħarriġ Ewropew Dwar Persuni LGBT jiġbor l-esperjenzi tiegħek bħala persuna lesbjana, gay, bisesswali jew trans li għandha ‘l fuq
Jekk tagħti 20 minuta mill-ġurnata tiegħek biex timla dan l-istħarriġ ser tgħin ħafna biex jiġu rrappreżentati aħjar l-esperjenzi, opinjonijiet u l-ħtiġijiet ta’ persuni LGBT. Aktar ma’ jkun kbir in-numru ta’ parteċipanti, iktar ma jkunu kredibbli r-riżultati - aħna qed niddependu fuq għexieren ta’ eluf ta’ persuni LGBT madwar l-Ewropa, fl-ewwel servej ta’ dan it-tip - Nistgħu noqgħodu fuqek ukoll?
Qies l-esperjenza tiegħek għax tgħodd u ħu sehem f’dan l-istħarriġ! Qassam l-istħarriġ m’oħrajn billi tagħfas “share” fuq Facebook, Twitter u għid lil ħbieb LGBT dwaru!
European LGBT Survey
The European LGBT Survey collects your experiences as a lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans person who is over the age of 18 and living in the European Union or
Donating just 20 minutes of your day to fill out the survey will really help to better represent the experiences, opinions and needs of LGBT people. The greater number of participants, the greater the credibility of the results – we are counting on tens of thousands of LGBT people across
Make your experience count and take part in the survey! Share on Facebook, on Twitter, and tell your LGBT friends about it!
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