Frei Ġwann Xerri O.P.
B'sobgħa kbira nħabbru l-mewt ta' Fra Ġwann Xerri, missjunarju Malti fil-Brażil, li kien ħabib kbir ta' Drachma u ko-fundatur ta' Drachma Parents Group.
Huwa kien jaf lil Drachma Parents Group titwieled, u kellu sehem qawwi ħafna fiha. Kien dejjem jiggwidana bil-kliem tiegħu, jagħmlina kuraġġ u jgħinna nimxu l-quddiem b'ħafna mħabba u sinċerita'.
Nsellmulu minn hawn. J'Alla l-Mulej jilqgħu fi ħdanu u jagħtih il-glorja tal-ġenna.
Strieħ fis-sliem għażiż Fra Joao. 
With great sorrow, we announce the passing away of Fra Ġwann Xerri, a Maltese missionary in Brazil, who was a very close friend of Drachma and co-founder of Drachma Parents Group.
He was one of the founding members of Drachma Parents Group and played a very important role. He guided us with his very wise words, with his insights, encouraging us forth in the path of love.
We remember him with love. May the Lord God grant him eternal peace.
Rest in peace, dearest Fra Joao. 
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